Composer: Bruce Hamilton
Instrumentation: percussion quartet and tape
Year Composed: 2007-2008
Duration: 10 minutes
Cost: Purchase: $40 digital files; $60 packaged

This piece has been recorded by the Exit 9 Percussion Group, and is
available at all major digital distributors, including
Premiere Performances:
- Exit 9 Percussion Group, Western Washington University (May 30, 2008)
Program Note:
Stamino-sosti is a kinetic ritual that explores virtuosity and sound color against a slowly-changing pulsing backdrop. The work’s core was developed from a step-sequencer improvisation; the percussion parts were subsequently added to provide motivic elements, surface varieties, and formal contrasts; more electroacoustic events were finally layered in to tie everything together. The end result is rather relentless---I hope in a hypnotic/exciting way. Stamino-sosti was written for EXIT 9 percussion group in 2007-08.